Only this morning I had attended a, 'Celebration of Life' for a man with Huntington's Disease (HD). He had died of a major stroke. He attended the weekly day centre which Merv attends and his lovely wife attends the carer support group which I attend. We are connected. The celebration was just what is said. His brother, best friend and children spoke as well as Liz from our Huntington's Association. I hardly knew him but I soon found out what an amazing man he was. I wish I had taken the time to know him personally. He was also a man who enjoyed his morning tea just like Merv. After the celebration which was held in a function centre overlooking the Swan River we were treated to sandwiches, mini quiches, scones with jam and cream and tiny cakes. We washed everything down with either; a cuppa, beer, wine or champagne. I drank both coffee and champagne and ate most of what was offered. The celebration was both joyful and comforting. We talked, we hugged and those who knew him told tales of fun and hilarity.
Back to my predicament. I reviewed my parking; yes I had parked next to Myer and knew which entrance I had entered, there are three different entrances! I didn't panic, I searched high and low. I walked to the extremes of the car park and I couldn't find my precious Ellie (car).
I had twenty minutes to get home so the support worker could leave. So what did I do? I panicked! I rang son, Dustin as he works close by. He was of course at work and I pleaded my case with his message bank. Then I rang home and asked the support worker to sit Merv in front of the TV and press the button on the wooden door as she exited if I was late.
Then I hollered in delight. I had found my little Ellie. She was sitting patiently just waiting for me in exactly the parking space I had left her! I had made the mistake of turning left instead of right as I exited Myer. I was so relieved and really didn't care what other shoppers thought of me with the umpteen shopping bags wandering aimlessly around the gigantic car park!
Dustin rang just at the moment I slid into the driver's seat and I giggled like a girl telling him his Mum was just a little disorientated with the Christmas rush. I'm sure he was relieved he didn't have to rescue me.
Fortunately I arrived home in time for the support worker to leave. Phew, another day survived without too much drama!
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