Friday, 28 February 2014

The Finale

One of the Galahs enjoying a feed
It's Sunday and the weekend was only half over. Many of us took time out to enjoy the warm weather and the local scenic delights.  Each morning I had been enjoying a walk with whoever was eager to explore the neighbourhood.  We discovered the bush sanctuary of the ringtail possums, even better views of the estuary, picture postcard gum tree flowers and other native gems.  We stumbled across 'Gone with the Wind' style mansions with the estuary part of their backyard! We had a surprise visit from a possum on Saturday evening after our seafood barbeque. He climbed down a tree which touches the deck, but he chose to stay in his tree.

A visit from a Ringtail Possum
Merv and I stayed in our holiday home, enjoying the views plus the peace and tranquillity of the area.  Dustin and Mel visited the local markets before lunching at the local chinese. Others visited friends and splurged at the markets and local shops. In the afternoon while most of the family were still away I delighted in a bubble bath complete with a glass of wine and Tim Tams! At home our bath was removed and replaced with an extra toilet and disability walk in shower when  we renovated in 2012.  Today it was pure bliss just to relax in the bath.
Little sister invited us all to her home only eight kms away.  We were treated to afternoon tea plus a display of Galahs (pink cockatoos) dancing and shrieking for seed on the patio where we relaxed.
The next day we packed, we cleaned, we tidied and went our separate ways. We hugged and hoped we will do this all over again. Everyone agreed it has been a magical 50th anniversary.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

The Family Celebrates

The house was abuzz with sound; laughter, chatting, hugging and busyness.  Before the weekend I had frequented various English lolly shops.  There are two close to home, both of them filled with sweet memories of the mother country.  I scoop up Frys chocolate bars, small cellophane bags of dolly mixture, chocolate English coins, Hazelnut Whirls, Choo-Choo bars and a multitude of  tiny lolly jars, especially the multi-striped humbugs!

Our 50th Anniversary Family Photo
The young ones are seated around the table on the deck, they chat among themselves and I know I will never get another chance as I surprise them with my numerous activity sheets. I have endeavoured to create a family crossword, a word search and other activities with cartoons strips which we had enjoyed as youngsters.  I hand them out encouraging a little rivalry with the English lollies as prizes. Time passes and the smell of cooking seafood fills the air.  The night is deliciously summer warm, the seafood sizzles, the salads and condiments are ready for our feast. Everyone has done their part.  We gather together taking the inevitable family photos with Mum sitting regally in a wicker chair.  Photos of the grandchildren and great grandchildren follow.
We begin our feast raising our glasses in thanks.  We give thanks for: 
the last fifty years, for today and for all the tomorrows to come. Mum is presented with the sunflower coloured celebration cake.  Big sister speaks on behalf of Mum and thanks us all for attending, especially those from interstate. Mum cuts the cake which is  enjoyed by all.  Traditional Aussie watermelon, rockmelon and grapes finish off the meal before the kettle is boiled for a cuppa.
The party disbands, there are little people to put to bed and families who are staying elsewhere but close by.  We no longer party like we did in the 70's and we call it a night.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

50 Years

I look in the mirror and yes I am definitely fifty years older!  I hardly remember the little six year old who left England for the promise of life in Australia.  Fifty years is a very long time.  There have been births, lots of them including Dustin and Mel and there have been deaths.  My father passed away many years ago and my brother's daughter aged eleven.  There have been happy marriages and not so happy ones.  Throughout the good times and the sad times we have stuck together.
It is Saturday, the second day of our get together and people are shopping, sightseeing and waiting for other family members to arrive.  The sun is warm, the air conditioner cooling and the view from the deck mesmerising.  Mel and I call the sun reflecting of the shimmering water; 'diamonds on the water.' It is a magical moment.

50 Years In Australia family video surprise
It is later in the afternoon and we have planned our celebration seafood barbeque dinner with all the trimmings.  Everyone is here.  The siblings, their children, the great grandchildren and of course Mum is enjoying every moment.  We wondered how she would fare away from the comfort of her Jason recliner but all is well in the world.  My niece from Darwin who flew down for the celebration is having a birthday in a few days and we have bought a token present for her.   Little sister shepherds us into the main lounge room and I go to grab my camera.  I am told I wont need it.  I think we are going to present the birthday present.  We are all seated and behaving ourselves.  We listen to little sister share a secret that her family and big sister's daughter has kept for awhile.  She presses the button on the remote control and up pops, '50 years in Australia.' The theme song is; 'Don't Blink' by Kenny Chesney.  Photos of Mum and Dad's parents and grandparents appear on the screen; some of these photos I have never seen before.

The last photo of our family video

Mum and Dad's photos of their courting days, marriage and family adventures appear next before the siblings and their partners appear.  Merv and I, oh so young and full of life with baby Dustin and Mel.  The video finishes with the grandchildren and great grandchildren.  It is a pleasure to watch over and over again and this is what we do until we can remember almost every photo in sequence!  I hug my little sister as my tears flow.  This memory will last forever.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Beginning

Working together - our brother changing the shower head
Every story has a beginning.  Ours began with just a passing remark. Last year I mentioned to big sister this February marks our 50th year in Australia.  Whether I mentioned a celebration dinner I don't remember but a celebration of sorts was on the cards.  There was a buzz among the siblings as plans began to form.  Originally we were going to meet for a BBQ breakfast and a function dinner later in the day.  Only months later we hit on the idea of a three day get-together celebration in the holiday area of Mandurah.
Numerous friends holiday with their families annually and chat endlessly about their time together.  Not all of it is good! Some of them holiday at our holiday island Rottnest or hire out a house  in the picturesque south west.  More recently families hire a villa in Bali and spend a week or two.  It can  be cheaper than a holiday at home!
Not our family, we holiday separately and later bring out the photos and carry on about our adventures.  It was with little planning and a heap of trepidation that I prepared for our family celebration.  I cannot remember the last time we were all together on holiday and most of us are rather set in our ways!

The amazing relaxing deck

The holiday house needed to have disability access and bathroom facilities for both Merv and Mum.   
The owner was happy for us to change the fixed shower head for a hand held shower on the condition we changed it back again.  My younger sister supplied a shower chair and we used portable hand rails for balance.  The floor plan was level leading to the huge shady, relaxing deck with the amazing estuary view.
The hot Perth weather kept up the pace over the Friday to Monday weekend away.  The gentle cooling breeze from the estuary and the air conditioning kept us cool.  Eighteen of us partied together in unison. The temperature was warm as was the warmth and joy of each of us celebrating our 50th year in Australia.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Making Magic

Our holiday view of the estuary from the large deck
There are writers all over the world who can capture magic on a page.  As you read you are instantly transported  as a character which the author has woven into the plot of their fertile imagination. 
This weekend my family celebrated 50 years in Australia.  Together we rented a magnificent holiday home south of Perth with sweeping views of the local estuary.
The essence of magic weaved its intrinsic web for all of us.  We laughed, we cried, we hugged and remembered times long past together.
Today we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.  Tonight my body and mind is calling me to sleep but tomorrow I will take my pen and endeavour to weave a little magic in the words of my reflections.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

A Celebration Begins

This weekend we have been celebrating fifty years in Australia.  My Mum and Dad travelled by plane, the type with propellers, in 1964 from England to Australia.  We didn't have any relatives or friends here and they chose to set up house in Adelaide, South Australia.  I was only six years old.  I remember standing in front of my class telling my classmates I was going to Australia.  I had no idea what it meant or that I wouldn't be returning anytime soon.  At six the world is a small place!  I have yet to revisit the mother country, but the thought is becoming clearer. 
Fifty years on my two brothers, two sisters, Merv and myself have added to the family.  This weekend seventeen of us are getting together to celebrate, while my brother's children and grandchildren who live in Sydney and  are unable to come due a new baby recently born.  There are now numerous delightful grandchildren and even four great grandchildren added to the clan!
The place where we are celebrating is only ninety minutes away from home.  A large house overlooking the water with a promise of cool breezes in this hot summer heat.
We are only staying three nights but I've been getting ready for weeks!  I haven't forgotten it's not the getting ready or even getting there it's the celebration of spending time together.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Perth Writers Festival

I missed out on attending the Perth Writers Festival last February.  I yearned to go but it seemed so difficult.  I had been adding up a massive amount of overtime at work.  I was tired and I promised to put it on hold until this year.  Thus my plan to attend in 2014 began twelve months ago.  I began planning by paying extra funds into Merv's community services account.  The Writers Festival is held during the March long weekend to commemorate Labor Day in WA and runs over three days. 
Dustin is often away with friends, therefore I opted to have funds available for support workers to stay with Merv and keep him occupied.  I took Merv with me during the 2012 Writers Festival, but it was difficult for him to rush from one event to another.  Often a chair wasn't available if you arrived even on time.  Our strategy was to miss some of the events and roll up ten to fifteen minutes early at the venue to ensure a seat was snared.  The writers festival includes workshops run by local, interstate and international authors.  I have completed a number of workshops over the years.
Many of the events involve an audience with published authors.  They often inspire us with their books and encourage us who love to write.  It is a smorgasbord of literacy delights!
With great expectation I looked forward to the festival events for this year.  I received the newly released program in the mail and eagerly explored it from cover to cover.  My jaw dropped.  I cringed.  My three day smorgasbord expected on the long weekend is being held the weekend beforehand.  Yes the very same three days my family celebrates 50 years in Australia. 
There is no option here.  My heart is with my family, the writers festival will be come and go and reappear next year. 
On the other hand fifty years to celebrate as a family is a benchmark and a time to remember and reminisce. Oh well!

Friday, 21 February 2014

Mind Games

I reached out to grab the dishwashing liquid. My hand stopped and I retracted it, as I realised the bottle wasn't where it always is.  I stood transfixed in time.  Where could it be? It's just a bottle, a bottle of little significance, but I always know where it is.
At first I dismissed my concern, surely it is hiding amongst the numerous things on my kitchen bench.  I am packing for a weekend getaway and it appears I am packing everything except the kitchen sink.
I stop, I smirk, I know it is here, it is playing hide and seek with me.  I strain my eyes over every product.  I have just come back from grocery shopping, there are still many products to put away in the pantry.
Then the mind games began.  I suddenly remembered the woman who couldn't find things but later found them in her fridge!  Oh GOODNESS, dementia has set in!  I am so young! 
I gingerly look in the fridge, I check the vegetable crisper.  Relief.  It is not in the fridge.

My dependable bottle enjoying its holiday!
I check around the house expecting to find it somewhere strange.  I check the dishwasher.  It is not there.
I breath a sigh of relief.  My grey cells give me a nudge.  Oh! I go outside and there on the table with Merv's plants is the bottle of dishwashing liquid.  It looks quite pleased with it's new view and plant friends. 
Why was it here?  I remember Merv had finished watering his plants this morning while I was at the kitchen sink with the bottle in my hand.  Instead of simply putting the bottle down, I took it with me and here it is. 
A puzzle solved.  I am not suffering dementia after all.  No, I am  just a little preoccupied!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Little Bugs

Little bugs happen in our lives.  Some just gnaw at you more than others.  My story goes like this: Mel had been having problems charging her mobile.  She did all the right things including buying a new charger.  Finally the problem resurfaced and couldn't be fixed.  Her phone died.  She talked about getting a new battery for her mobile, but it's old and grubby and a nice new phone is always good for the ego.
We bought a great new LG mobile at 11am this morning by 4pm the fabulous new mobile wasn't charging and Mel said it was broken.  $170 in five hours!  I didn't have to suggest Mel revisit the store, she was already there but they kept telling her, she had damaged it and they wouldn't replace it.
I couldn't figure out how she could have damaged it and why the customer service was deplorable.
This little bug sure made me mad.  Tomorrow I am going with Mel back to the store and we will have an amicable chat with the sales staff and endeavour to find a solution satisfactory to both parties.
I have been advocating for Mel throughout her life, this is just another situation.  I am not sure which makes me madder; $170 wasted in one day or the lack of support from the sales staff.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


I'm a little stressed. I've been getting ready for our weekend away. It's all coming together with many of us pitching in, but I need a break.  It's Wednesday and I have the whole day ahead of me.  I carry on with ongoing tasks at home before heading for the cinema.  I am by myself and buy a ticket to see the movie, Mandela. 

Standing outside the Apartheid Museum 2013
Only four months ago I holidayed in South Africa.  I was just a passer by, just breezing through for a few days.   I visited the confronting Apartheid Museum and completed a personal tour of Mandela's original house in Soweto.  The house is now a museum and a popular tourist attraction.
Before my holiday I revisited the history books and watched numerous films and documentaries of Mandela's life.
 The movie had me sitting on the edge of my seat at times, it made me gasp in horror and bought me to tears.  The horror of the reality cannot be ignored.  One amazing man who through his trials and determination encouraged peace among his people and brought much needed change to South Africa.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Activities Galore

main banner image for purpose of user interestI like what is happening at Mel's place.  A new manager has been appointed and most of the staff have stayed on.  Mel told me about a new timetable of activities which has recently been initiated for all the residents.  Like a lot of new inspirations it is taking a little encouragement for many to join in.  There are a lot of pluses; all the activities are free, they get people off their couches, they create friendship and bonding.

Mel rang after she had played badminton this afternoon.  She was a bubble of energy and prattled on about playing badminton with people she knows from another organisation.  Many of them she had lost contact with.  Mel was the only person listed for the cooking class later today and therefore it was cancelled.  I suggested Mel encourage her friends to sign up for next week.  I imagine it would be a whole lot of fun and good eating afterwards.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Chocolate Pudding Delight

Merv helping to pot our plant
The Chocolate Pudding Plant (Black Sapote) has sat patiently in its tiny purple pot until now.  Merv has been watering it each day while I have been eyeing it with concern.  I  have noticed a few of our plants dying slowly in their pots only to discover Merv and the hose are playing games.  Most of the water reaches the paving bricks and surrounds with little of the necessary water reaching the soil.  A little encouragement is needed!
The pudding plant I suspect just reaches out and grabs what it needs for the soil felt damp when we transferred it to a nice new home this afternoon.  It jumped with joy as I wrenched it out of the purple pot, its thick black roots trailing like a surfer's dreadlocks.
At Bunnings we bought a fabulous self watering pot and potting mix with all the necessary goodies in it. It even has water preserving crystals to help out in the times of drought!
We both ended up with potting mix in the pot, over the potting table, all over us but fortunately most of it ended up partying in the pot with the Chocolate Pudding Plant!
Now we wait to taste the delight!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Making Another Move

Dustin is looking for somewhere to live.  Not a house or an apartment but a room in a house possibly with strangers.  Not something I would like to do.  Even in the current house which he bought with a friend there has been strangers boarding with them to help pay the mortgage.  They have had their issues, some of them taking their time to resolve but all in all it has worked out for everyone.  I have lost count how many times he has changed his address.  I am sure it is a family gene.  My Mum and Dad were the same and many of my family share the same disposition.
Perth has a shortage of rental properties and singles often find it cheaper and more convenient to just rent a room which comes with shared bathroom, kitchen and living space.
Dustin's work situation has recently changed.  He works in administration in a private hospital which has recently been sold.  The new hospital has offered him a similar position but at a site a long way from his current accommodation. I have to admit it makes sense he moves closer to work. Today Dustin brought some of his furniture and belongings to store in our shed, until he needs them later.
We will miss him dropping by after work or on the weekend.  He's a good son, I know he will still call in and make time for his Dad.  That's life.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

The Yard Stick

SLAZENGER UK SIZE 12 BLACK LEATHER VELCRO CHILD JOGGERS ~ AS NEWAlmost a month ago Merv was struggling to put on his shoes.  They are soft joggers with Velcro instead of shoe laces.  The old saying, 'You have to be cruel to be kind,' is not always kind but I stick to it to encourage Merv to be as independent as possible. 
I talked to him about his shoes and how to put them on and showed him, but to no avail. 
I succumbed and each morning I put on his shoes and take them off for his shower at night.
I watched him this morning trying to put on his trousers, they have an elastic waist and no zip.  It seems his hands are rendered useless and he is trying to put them on using only his feet.  I talk to him again and once again and he manages for now.  My heart sinks as I realise I will soon be doing this also.  Unlike a child who grows and reaches milestones relevant to their age, Merv is steadily losing his independence.  The yard stick is not measuring his achievements, only his decline.  I know the journey ahead, I have seen it before. 
I am going to enjoy the day and let tomorrow look after itself.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day

Mel and Dustin had their Valentine dates arranged.  Mel had lunch at the local Thai restaurant with her boyfriend and Dustin treated his new girlfriend to a restaurant in Mandurah and showered her with gifts.
LTS clothing
Merv went to his day centre and quite clearly told me he had Lemon Chicken for dinner.  His response isn't always so clear.  His clarity itself made my day!
I shared a coffee, a muffin and a chat with a new friend and later visited one of my favourite nieces, Larissa.  She has recently gone into business selling Ladies Tactical Wear and accessories and I bought a matching Bush Camo Raglan T-shirt and a pair of Bush Camo Capri Pants. 
Enjoying lunch with Larissa
After feeling great in my army clothes I changed back to my civvies and we treated ourselves to lunch at the Chapel Farm Restaurant.  Though it was hot and dining was outdoors on the verandah it was good to catch up and share stories and ideas.
Merv and I had a glass of wine and a homemade pizza for dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. 
He fell asleep in his comfy chair this evening.  It's been a long day but a good one.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

My Fault, Your Fault

Webster-pakI often underestimate the importance of just being a Mum, especially this week when Mel rang me at 8:30pm and said we had forgotten to pick up her meds.  I contemplated whether Mel at 34 is wholly responsible? 
Admittedly I was the one who suggested we wait until the last day to collect them! After the scenario of the muck up with her clinic appointment and later waiting for scripts to be faxed through to the pharmacy  resulting in a delay in her meds being packaged and ready for collection.  So, ok is it the doctors fault or maybe the case managers fault?  It's always easier to blame others but the simple truth is  Mel & I are both at fault. Yes our fault 100%. Fortunately for Mel missing her meds for one night wasn't life threatening. just annoying for her, for me and for staff members.
I was annoyed with myself for not being organised!
All in all I'm not such a bad Mother, just a little frayed around the edges!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Wheels In Motion

How good it is when the wheels begin to turn!  A momentum creating a beating heart. An expectation of a goal realised.
An appointment was made several weeks ago.  The Occupational Therapist (OT) arranged with the wheelchair salesman to visit Merv and myself at our house this afternoon.   The stage was set, the time arranged, the house cleaned and I picked Merv up from his HD social club early.
They arrived within a few minutes of each other, they had a plan which they implemented efficiently and professionally.  Merv sat in the display chair while I wheeled him around the house to the satisfaction of our visitors.  We discussed options for the chair and the addition of an iPad casing and support which will be fixed to the chair.  We talked, we discussed and before long they had packed up and left us. 
I had tentatively asked how long, no more specific, I asked how many months it would take.  The OT appeared horrified and said she hoped it would be done soon.  I smiled but my smile did not hide the fact we are applying for funding and everyone knows funding is a fickle business!  Altogether the cost of the wheelchair and the optional extras is approximately $4,000.
No matter, I am stoked, at last the wheels are in motion!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Top of the Mountain

The scenic views of Sochi's steep majestic mountains are breath taking.  The action and skill of the competitors is inspiring but it is the mountains my eyes seek during the many events. 
I have never stood on a mountain peak, let alone one covered with the beauty and chill of snow.  The views that have awe-inspired me have sadly been more of the hilly type!
I listen to the numerous commentators, many of them merely talk about, 'The top of the mountain," they are not commenting on the view but the starting line of the many of the events.
Many times in my life I have stood on the top of my own majestic imaginary mountain.  From the summit of my mountain top I can clearly see:

 My life's journey of what has been  
 What is happening now
 My hopes for my future

I haven't been on my summit for awhile.  I am full of excuses why I shouldn't, my life is not so much my own at present.  It's time to do a little mountain climbing, the future may not be what I have previously planned but it's always good to see the picture clearly before me.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Action Mel

After our big weekend I was tired and had a restful day with Merv.  Mel had an action day with a surprise ending.  She was booked to attend an interview at ARAFMI in East Perth this morning.  Last Thursday we took the train and did a 'dummy run.'  Some times it just easier to do rather than explain instructions.  We perfected the walk from Claisebrook station to ARAFMI using the pedestrian overpass and checking the traffic when it stopped at the road. 
Today Mel was on her own and I kept the iPhone close in case she needed help.  She didn't.  The lady she was due to meet was away sick but staff scheduled her to see another staff member a few hours later.  I would had thought she may have gone home and returned later but she took the initiative and went a few train stops onto Perth before returning.  There is
much to see in Perth with a few hours to spare.
After her return the staff member chatted to her finding out she was not only hoping to volunteer to share her mental health story at a local high school but also searching for suitable ongoing volunteer work.
It was suggested Mel can volunteer her time in the ARAFMI office.  Something I hadn't considered.  I was pleased it was suggested.  It is good to hear the excitement in her voice.  I only hope Mel's vision of volunteering is realised and comes to fruition.  So many times her vision has been squashed along with her hopes.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Mum's Birthday

It is a lazy Sunday morning in Perth.  The rest of the world is waking up and turning on the telly to watch the Winter Olympics.  We are preparing in haste to celebrate Mum's 84th birthday.
Yesterday I cooked and cleaned.  I have no idea why the house gets grubby in a week with only two of us living here, but alas it does and I clean it.  The oven has helped me turn out homemade olive and sundried tomato bread,  banana and blueberry cake and a scrumptious upside down plum cake we fashioned into the necessary birthday cake.    
The day was warm but not too hot, Dustin picked up Mum and chauffeured her to my house in his flashy blue Holden Commodore.  Mel was busy stabbing veggies on wooden skewers as a healthy choice to cake.  Merv was watching the Olympics and I, as expected was running around being the Mummy. 
We had enough food to feed a small army.  My younger sister arrived with son in tow bearing gifts.  She created another amazing fruit cake (a roaring trade could be had at Christmas), healthy sausage rolls much to Mel's delight and offered us a huge bowl of home-grown figs.  Mel and I consider figs to be just as good, if not better than chocolate! Little sister also bought a strapping young tree which grows its own chocolate bars.  Well not quite, it's called a, 'Black Sapote, Chocolate Pudding Fruit,' The picture on the label resembles green limes but promises chocolate tasting on the inside.  I imagine the tree covered in chocolate bars at Easter but dismiss my fantasy as Mum arrives and we wish her a happy birthday.  There is already a collection of cards and presents on the table to open, coffee to make and afternoon tea to share.  Mum is in fine spirits  and we sing Happy Birthday as the cake complete with candles alight is placed in front of her.  She blows them out and cuts the cake.  Dustin is my official photographer and misses the candle blowing bit!  Oh well, next year!  I am happy the cake turned out alright.  It has been a lovely
afternoon shared together.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

My Lost Friend

I am in the kitchen today.  The phone rang, it was Dustin we spoke for awhile.  The doorbell rang, it was my friend Helen she came in and we chatted over coffee and cake. Back to the kitchen.  I am cooking.  It is like finding a long lost friend.  When the kids were young I cooked.  I cooked because firstly I enjoyed it and it was economical but best of all it was a way to show my love for my family.
During their childhood  I cooked; biscuits, cakes, pikelets, pancakes and best of all desserts.  Hours and hours I spent searching for the elusive recipe, shopping, completing the dreaded prep and peering through the oven door at my amazing creations. 
Thai Vegetable Stir-Fry with TofuNeedless to say I am no Nigella or Jamie Oliver, I have suffered numerous disasters and resorted to a packet of biscuits for dessert many times.  A little placard in my childhood home said, 'If at first you don't succeed, try try again.'  Yes I did.
Since Merv became ill I have cooked basic cakes and boring dinners.  He is a meat and three veggies man.  I am little more liberated and prefer stirfry and interesting salads.  Since our recent Tuesday afternoon cooking adventures with Mel, my love of cooking has been awakened with vigour!
Recently I had reason to reminisce over childhood favourite dishes and the not so favourite!  I remember my Mum often cooked rice pudding for dessert.  It was never a favourite but later in life as an adult I now understand it was filling, sweet and economical. My Mum was well known for her tasty casseroles and stews.  I was horrified when one of my first boyfriends visited me at home and he was asked to stay for lunch.  Mum served up one of her amazing stews and he refused to eat it.  Obviously his Mum lacked culinary talent!  Our relationship was short lived.
Today's creations in my kitchen are vastly different from twenty years ago.  I like to think they are vastly improved, healthier and tastier than ever before!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Keeping in Touch

My friend's email suggested we catch up for coffee.  Another friend was celebrating her 87th birthday but she was nowhere to be found.  We rang, we left messages, we worried.  We soon found out she was visiting a friend in Mandurah and she was not due home until Saturday.  We arranged lunch for the two of us.  We hadn't caught up for more than six months; we had much to chat about. 
Merv was at his day centre and I squeezed in a haircut and some shopping before heading off for the lunch appointment.
The phone rang.  Should I let it ring?  Should I answer it?  Is it a scammer selling me a condo in Nigeria or is it the hospital, the doctor, the case manager?  Goodness me, I pick up the phone and prepare myself.  I laugh it's our friend who came home early!  She had found out we are meeting for lunch and wants to join us.  She still drives and I hope the directions I give her to the restaurant are adequate.  I have a birthday card and a scarf I bought from Mauritius already for her.
Not long afterwards I meet her as she is walking with the aid of her crutch and we share a laugh.  Our other friend has no idea our lost friend is joining us.  We sit on the couch outside the restaurant and wait for her.  We see her and the surprise on her face had us giggling like school girls.
We enjoyed a chatty, fun lunch altogether.  It is good to keep in touch.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Sharing Stories

Merv was never a reader.  While I spent hours escaping in novels of romance, drama and crime scenes, Merv read his Bible, the newspaper at times and little else.  It has been a long time since he has read his Bible. I recently visited my local library and was intrigued at a whole table of books for sale.  They were rather obscure, a big tatty and dated.  I found a Mary Moody novel which I have read before but for a $1, I will read it again!  Tirelessly I checked every title of every book on sale.  I hummed, I harred and I settled for;
'More Real Stories for the Soul' by Robert J Morgan. It is a collection of Christian testimonies, some of them telling amazing missionary stories from five hundred years ago!  Every afternoon after our afternoon tea I read a couple of stories to Merv.  He listens intently while my eyes mist over, my emotions heightened by these everyday people whose lives changed dramatically by simply submitting to God.  It has become our afternoon ritual and a bond between us.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Outside the Plan

I like to be organised, it is like a happy bubbling stream complimented with a warm splash of sunshine.  That was just how my morning progressed.  Merv went back to his HD social group after a two month break and I listed the things I need to do and made phone calls with good results.
I was booked to pick up Mel from her art class at midday.  We enjoyed a healthy lunch and a chat at the local food hall before attending her clinic appointment at the hospital.  We waited and we waited.  Mel spied a note on the wall stating anyone waiting longer than 15 minutes for their appointment should inform the receptionist.  I began engrossed in a conversation with another Mum waiting for her daughter and didn't notice how long Mel had spent talking with the reception.  She returned looking concerned and my babbling stream suddenly dried up.  The doctor had taken a leave day and somehow Mel or myself had not been informed.  Panic set in.  What about her meds?
It took an hour and numerous phone calls to her case manager and others to find out her scripts for her meds had been left at the hospital pharmacy and were ready to be picked up.  How simple our afternoon would have been if we had simply been told.  A little courtesy and communication goes a long way.  My stream bubbles once again.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Cook A Healthy Meal Day

Mel rang me this morning.  Something was wrong, she should be at her Weight Watchers meeting.  I was ready for action, battle, whatever was needed!  "Mum,"  she whispered, "I've put on 200g!"
"Humph!" I replied and put the, 'Mummy defence plan' back on recharge. 
I can put on 200g just by eyeing a cookie! 
A little chat later and we established it wasn't the end of the world as we know it and next week the graph will look a bit better.
She reminded me of my wisdom while she munched through lunch and later afternoon tea.
Today is, 'Cook a Healthy Meal Day.'  We cooked Chinese Chicken Stir Fry and made a yoghurt and fresh fruit sauce dessert.  Mel was a little Masterchef; marinating the chicken, cutting up the plums (for the fruit sauce), chopping, dicing, stirring and announcing it was all done and could she have a rest!  Mel takes her half of the meal and dessert and shares it with a friend.
I like Tuesdays, Mel practises her cooking skills and dinner and dessert is already to go.  I can spend my energy on other things which need to be done.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Back to Basics

Will Shortz Presents Mad For Sudoku by Will Shortz BOOK (Paperback)It's been less than a year since I bought my iPad.  I don't regret the purchase, I use it often.  When I go out it often goes with me.  Albums of my favourite photos are just a finger tap away.  I check my messages, my email, current weather conditions, my bank account (I can even pay bills and transfer money!) and many more.
Not so long ago I would play Sudoku and other games on my iPad.  The games relentlessly timed me, flashed adverts at me and told me when I failed.  I put the iPad down, I picked up my old Sudoku book and pen and completed the puzzle the, 'old way!'  I stopped and cooked the dinner, watered the front garden, showered Merv and went back to my puzzle.  No timer to stress me out, no adverts.  I just completed my puzzle in my own time and the enjoyment was much more satisfying.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Size Matters

After my sister pruned my Agonis hedge the other bushes in the front garden appeared rather sheepish and unkempt.  I was left to my own devices and figured a little trimming was needed.  I pulled out the largest ladder from the shed and armed with a pair of hedge cutters and another tool, which looks a lot like a bolt cutter; but I know it's not!
My hat sat cautiously on my head as the sun beat down and I climbed the ladder, snipping and snapping at the first and second bushes.  One hour in and they were looking good.  The next bush, a native bottlebrush
loomed higher than the rest.  I climbed as high as I dare and snip, snap, wap and no matter my tactic I wasn't winning.  Time for plan B.
I carefully inserted the blade into my Ryobi battery powered saw.  I stood with my feet firmly on the ground, pressed the trigger and let loose.   Branch after branch lay butchered on the ground, the saw grunted (I am sure the locals were cursing the noise) but my adrenaline was pumping!  No more ladders needed here.  I have been cursed years before with the title of the, 'Phantom Pruner,' the proof sadly weeping before me.  My handsome bush, disfigured and sad. 
I put away the ladder; I won't be needing it anytime soon.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

A Stroll in the Park

I'm pretty lazy on Saturdays.  After a long breakfast, I ensured Merv was dressed and ready for the day.  I usually pop down the shops and buy the paper and a few groceries. 
Change of plan; it's a perfect summer morning and I put my laziness aside. 
I drove Merv up to Whiteman's Park, pulled the wheelchair from the boot and took the meandering footpath from the village to Mussel Pool.  A 750m magical mystery tour through native bushland and the addition of  'Children's Forrest shelters.'  
We had the whole area of Mussel Pool to ourselves, excepting the magpies and crows!  We stopped over a tiny bridge and enjoyed the beauty and stillness of the creek.   Among the towering trees we chose a picnic table to share our morning tea. I had bought the paper at a deli on the way to the park and we read the Travel pages, the TV magazine and browsed the other lift outs.
We could soon hear the voices of young children close by at the BBQ areas.  It was time to leave our morning hideaway and return to every day life.