A good friend emailed me today and said she had read my blog but was unable to post a comment. I sent her the procedure for commenting but still it didn't work for her. She doesn't have a Google account and she was asked for her password. A number of people in the last few months have said they couldn't post a comment on my blog and therefore I am believing my blog page is at fault. I checked my settings this afternoon which clearly states anyone can post a comment. Obviously there is an error somewhere I am not aware of. I spent a couple of hours checking my blog set up and Google search to no avail. I even sent an email or two to Google in hope I may get a reply!
If you would like to comment on any of my posts you can also contact me on my blog email: life8angel77@gmail.com If you have a BlogSpot blog I would appreciate any advice on receiving comments from readers without a Google account. Hoping to hear from you soon.
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