The letter came in the post. It had Merv's name on it and the advertising told me it was from the optician. I thought it was just advertising and opened it intending to toss it away just as quickly. It was a letter which intrigued me as I read. It was an accusation! A letter stating Merv was overdue for an eye test. What? He had his eyes tested in August this year and he is wearing his new spectacles!
Does every carer think it is a slur on them when an accusing letter comes their way? I do my very best to keep on top of all the appointments and all the other ones I need to check on, just like the eye test.
I decided I had three options.
1. Ignore the letter and bin it
2. Ring the optician and inform them the letter was sent by mistake
3. Visit the optician with the letter and the receipt
Oh the receipt. I have a four drawer filing cabinet, surely it would be easy to find? I checked the medical file, not there. I checked the bills paid file, not there. I checked the warranty file, not there. I turned the house upside down and sighed in frustration.
My next step: I could inform them the date Merv had his eye test. I checked my Microsoft Outlook, no record of a date there. I checked the kitchen calendar, not there. I checked my blog, not there! I checked the bank balance, yes it was there but I knew the date was incorrect!
Finally I went back to the filing cabinet, ah found it! I looked at my options and agreed option 3 was the only way to make a difference.
This afternoon I walked into the optician and asked to see the manager. He was a large man who listened to my every word. I was straight to the point and asked why Merv had received the letter. After checking his computer with every possibility, he could not give me a valid answer. He was kind and apologetic. I left the letter with him and encouraged him to contact his marketing group. What I took as a slur on my caring role is also a slur on his company's professionalism. How many others have received the same letter and simply binned it?
Caring for Merv is about his physical, emotional and spiritual needs, including all the ongoing appointments. I must remember to record all future appointments for future reference rather than relying on a business card stuck on the fridge with a magnet!