My Exquisite Red Lucky Beans Bangle |
Continuation from my diary Tuesday 15 October: After another filling breakfast and delightful mushroom omelette a few of us walked with Rico, the camp leader, to the reception area. There is a walking track which is shorter than taking the vehicle track. It follows the creek and is also passes through another camp. It is necessary to walk with a competent staff member as there are wild animals around and we were informed a lion has a litter of cubs at one point not far from the track. Rico walked up front of our group. We were told if a lion approaches not to run but to stand still. I was very glad we didn't have an encounter! It was good to have a walk both yesterday and today. Yesterday at the reception area I bought some T-shirts and beaded necklaces. Today it was warmer and a number of baboons and small monkeys were running to and fro in the green foliage around the creek. At the reception shop I spied a beautiful bangle made of what I thought were red beads. It was beautiful and I wore it all day. Later I was told the 'beads' are called, 'Lucky Beans.' I was happy to give my beloved bangle to our camp cook, Alice as I knew I couldn't get it through Australian customs. I love my country and always declare everything! Alice came and gave me a hug, she also thought it is exquisite! Alice blessed us with many wonderful meals.
Elephant Parade in front of my hut |
After our walk, I sat outside my hut drinking my herbal tea and writing my diary. I could hear a sound and looked out to see a young elephant thrashing his way though the undergrowth on the banks of the creek in front of me. Wow, I hadn't expected to see an elephant in front of my hut! Out came my camera and the elephant made his way slowly along the creek. I went back to reading my book and then there were two elephants, three, four, five and the family and all the relatives were soon visiting! It was amazing and while we ate lunch we witnessed up to twenty elephants together. We couldn't have asked for anything better. There were big granddaddy elephants and baby ones following their mums. They trudged through the creek and the undergrowth pulling up ferns and feeding at leisure. Four hours later they had moved on.
Kudo roaming around the huts, eating plants |
After lunch I returned to my amazing mud hut for an hour's rest before our next safari. The baboons were everywhere and bounding up my board walk, jumping on my sun shelter and into their favourite tree! I took some photos and left them to holler to each other and generally make a mess on my balcony! A few Kudo were visiting at the entrance to the hut, but even with their large horns, they just continue to graze and keep to themselves. The weather is delightfully warm and I take my coat on the safari, I know when the sun dips under the horizon and disappears the temperature will drop suddenly. It helps to think ahead.
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