Friday, 25 May 2018

The Demons Within

Where has most of May gone?  We're already counting down to June and sunny autumn weather in Perth has turned into wild storms beginning last night and continuing for the next few days.  Perfect weather to get the laptop out and begin sharing with you.
It isn't so long ago, just a few weeks back when I was planning some time out from Merv.  What was I thinking?
I'm not the most sensitive person.  In the last few days when he's needed me more I realise if I don't spend this time with him it will be lost and grieved about forever.  He knows who I am,  he does not have short term memory, he knows what is happening  around him.  He's counting on me to get his issues sorted for him.  He can't do it for himself and there is no-one else available.
Five weeks ago Merv's legs began to move uncontrollably and his body jerked forward while sitting.  He was even known to jump off the shower commode more than once.  Fortunately he didn't hurt himself but he shocked the caseworkers who showered him.
I was shocked with his movement but after a few days he settled down. Most of his excessive movement was early in the morning before his body settled later in the morning.
We spoke with Merv's specialist who increased his medication but to no avail.  It began, it stopped we couldn't figure it out.
Only a few days ago it began again.  This time I was armed with my iPhone on video mode.  I caught the movement and sent it to the specialist and other professionals involved in Merv's care.
Whether Merv found it too difficult to feed himself or saying 'no' was a word of choice, staff said he 'refused' lunch on Tuesday and breakfast on Thursday.  Fortunately both times I was visiting soon after and I successfully fed Merv.
I understand if a resident refuses food they can't be forced to eat but I think this whole situation is far more complex.  We're just guessing or are we presuming that Merv has difficulty with his extreme movement and eating at the same time?  Who knows......
My senses are alerted, I'm fighting the battle, I'm on the winning side.  I have my warriors standing by.