When times are tough it's good to hear and celebrate good news. While Merv's health continues to deteriorate, my face grows longer and my heart beats faster. I know it's just a matter of time before a room becomes available in the care facility for him.
Today I took Mel (38) to Perth to Neurosciences to continue in the ENROLL research study. After endless questions Mel stayed in the room to answer more questions and I was asked to sit in reception and fill in the carer's questionnaire. I do the same each year. I wondered if my answers were the same as last year and the year before that. I feel my toes carefully balanced on a precipice. Don't lean forward I hear myself shout.
We discussed Mel's mood swings and all the things which have happened in the eleven months since moving house. I don't feel so bad now.
Finally we are in the room with the head neurologist. He brings comfort after examining her through a series of questions and movements, He assures us she is not showing any Huntington's symptoms.
Relieve wraps its comforting arms around me in a persuasive hug. I am comforted. Mel is joyful.
It is known to many that Mel moves and shakes, not all the time but when she does she does it with gusto. Her doctor years ago called me with her concern and asked for me to take her to Neurosciences. Anxiety, a nervous disposition? Who knows, who cares? All I know is she is not currently HD symptomatic.
We rejoice. Family and friends rejoice with us! We will be back to do the tests next year. I don't think of next year only this one....