He seems to accept his fate at his regular respite centre. He knows the residents, the staff and I know he will settle in well. Dustin and Grace visit each weekend and often take him out for a chocolate drink and cake. His service providers allow his regular support workers to visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am pleased he gets some one to one attention.
Knowing there is time to stop during respite to smell the roses, to recharge my batteries as one would say which proves just the thing to keep me going. There are times when I'm happy and joyous and other times when the world appears to sit upon my shoulders bending my spine and kicking my confidence. I cry, I scream, I swear before I pick myself up, dust myself down to start all over again. That is just how it is.
I often like to travel abroad during my respite break but this time around selling our house to downsize (especially the garden) is taking most of my time. My family are helping with the garden this weekend. I've ordered the mulch, compared prices for plants and hanging baskets while balancing my time to rest, catch up with a movie or two and spend time with friends and family.
Yesterday my sandstone floor which I love was cleaned and resealed. Was it really that dirty? Yes it was but it looks amazing now!
Between work and play I have enjoyed both worlds. I spent 3 days last week travelling down south to visit family and friends. I had an amazing time. Just to relax, have fun and not worry about the time was rejuvenating to my body and soul.
Merv enjoys an outing with Dustin and Grace last week
my lovely cleaned and sealed Sandstone floor