I know I'm bragging but it was a perfect wedding on a perfect day on Saturday 31st January.
Grace and Dustin were the model bride and groom and everyone said so on the day. It certainly was a warm day but the clouds kept the sun cooler and the rain stayed away.
I started the day with a stroll around the resort with Dustin and a relaxing swim in the pool before waking Merv and the day started rolling.
It was with trepidation I asked Dustin to take Merv and Mel out while I decorated the 84 cupcakes! I had imagined he had far more important things to take care of but he was happy to help out. By 9:30am I had the unit to myself with my cakes, buttercream, piping nozzles and my favourite music on my iPad. I cleared my mind, started my music and remembered the all-important You Tube video. "The piping nozzle is held directly over the middle of the cake, touch the cake with the nozzle - let it kiss the cake." I kissed every single cupcake before perfecting the swirl and balancing a sugar flower on top! Perfecto. All done in just under two hours.
The rest of the day flew past and by 2:30pm Dustin, his Best Man and Groomsman were running more than fifteen minutes late. Finally they are on their way and at last we could use the bathrooms!
While straightening Mel's hair (bless her hairdresser who suggested we straighten her gloriously curly hair), shaving Merv I finished checking my list, everything was complete.
Everything goes to plan. Dustin and his two mates are standing at attention while everyone is seated. Grace appears like an angel in her beautiful bridal gown walking down the aisle on the arm of her uncle. The delightfully cute little flower girls walk ahead scattering rose petals on the floor preparing the path for Grace.
There are almost tears as she flows gracefully to join hands with her groom. They clutch hands tightly and stagger over their words at time. We all smile, most of us have been there before! It is a beautiful sensitive Christian ceremony and before long the Pastor announces them, Husband and Wife. I catch my breath, it is completed and they are now one.
The newlyweds disappear for photos with the bridal party while we make ourselves comfortable in the resort's restaurant celebrating with drinks and helping ourselves to canapés.
The sky clouds over and the night sky hides the sun as we find our tables in the reception room. Little jars of bright blue lollies on the tables are tied with ribbons with our names displayed. No silly name place cards in sight!
I help organise the cupcakes on the cupcake stand, much to younger sister's horror. I know she wants to pull me by the arm and let the staff arrange the cakes, but I ignore her concerns. I am happy with the presentation and within minutes a swarm of camera wielding guests begin snapping away and oohing and arrh-ing. I have thoughts of the buttercream melting and ending on the floor but I dismiss the thought and just enjoy the celebration.
Dustin and Grace reappear in the foyer and we arrange a family photo before they make their grand entrance into the reception room. Oh photograph memories...I love them.
The speeches are next and while Dustin has been fretting about his for the last few weeks, I am sure I hear him breathe a sigh of relief when he is finished without faltering. We toast the bride and the bridesmaids. There are more speeches and praying over the happy couple.
The top cake of the wedding cake looks wonderful with the wedding toppers. Dustin and Grace pretend to cut the cake for the photos. The staff distributes my cupcakes and the compliments start flying. I breathe a sigh of relief, everything is good. Dessert is served and we take advantage of cheesecake, mousse and pavlova. Why not, it'll be back to jelly and custard tomorrow night!
The night finishes with dancing. Grace and Dustin take to the dance floor and we are thrilled they have practised as they treat us to amazing swirls and twirls and some very fancy foot work!
Merv and I get up and shuffle. It's too hard to dance like we used to, but I place Merv's hands around my waist and move to the music. After he returns to his seat, younger sister, myself and lots of young people are stomping along to the beat of the YMCA and various other well-known songs.
It's been a long day and finally we head back to our unit 100m away.
It has been a very happy day.
Congratulations Dustin and Grace, we know it will last forever.