Friday, 31 May 2013

Harry Moves In

Today it happened.  My daughter after 15 years of not knowing her future was given her life sentence.  Not that she did anything wrong, not that anyone else did anything wrong.  She just didn't win the lottery in life.  There is a multitude of things which can happen to anyone of us.   A heart attack at 40, a stroke at 18, or cancer in any part of the body; the list goes on.  Most of the time these things just come out of the blue, no one predicts them, even though our relative may have died young from a heart attack, we see the GP regularly take all the necessary tests and watch our fried food intake and learn how to decipher the good and bad fat results.  My daughter may or may not have a heart attack any time. 
Today Big Bad Harry moved in when the social worker paid us a visit with that brown envelope in her hand.  It said her predictive test for HD was positive, just one line which changes your life and lets loose Harry.  Mel had said her life would continue as it always has, she said this before the brown envelope and it sounded promising, but we chide ourselves with lies, which we convince are true before the truth is known.  Mel will get stronger and her HD prognosis will make her a stronger person, just as her father's diagnosis made us stronger.
But Harry is here to stay, we work at making him our friend and not the foe.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

All about Harry

This has nothing to do with Prince Harry or any other Harry you have met or know from somewhere.  Life has a way of making you stand on your head and view the world from a different perspective.  My life is a bit like that today.  Choices which I have no control over, so is it really a choice?  Plans are made to help with the choices, but if the choices aren't really choices why even make plans?  Yes, still standing on my head and believing if I stay there long enough not only will the blood run to my head and make me look like a boiled crab but maybe the world will right itself and I find I really do have a choice.
That's where Big Bad Harry comes into the act.  Big Bad Harry is all the things we would like to change in our lives but have no choice in why they happen or the outcome of them.  That's life we say, but we have no choice.
Big Bad Harry is alive and well and is an expert at what he does. Go Harry.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Shopping for Grandchildren

Wednesdays are grocery shopping days, but only every fortnight. In automation I grab the trolley only to find it is useless and 3 more tries and I have my list out and like a hungry ant on the trail I head off for the first item on my list.  It is not the items on my list which holds my attention but the familiar face of a long ago acquaintance.  After manoeuvring our trolley to prohibit any shopper from grabbing the M & Ms or Smarties we beam at each other and ask, "How long has it been?"  ''Years I reply" and we ask how each of our family members are.

Everyone is fine I hear myself saying (LIAR, LIAR) and she says the same (LIAR LIAR).  She knows my neighbour.  My neighbour has radar for gossip and anything else which can be caught in a downwind.  My acquaintance of old knows, but she's not saying anything and I am not giving anything away. Not today.  So we talk about how old our kids are and she tells me about her grandchildren.  Did she have 13?  Possibly not, I do not remember. I have zilch. 

I would like some grandchildren, even one would do.  I know I can't find one under the cabbages in the cabbage patch.  Not that I grow cabbages or have any intention of doing so.  I am more of the tomato and capsicum breeder.  Getting bored easily and berating the plants for not being prolific in produce is part of my dilemma in growing green and coloured things.  Watering and fertiliser I heard are considered beneficial.

Many years ago I threatened my children with adopting African babies when I turn 60, if they have not done their duty to reproduce and keep the human race advancing. 
Every time my son tells me of another date my mind goes back to the same scene I have dreamt a hundred times.  The girl (forgot to ask what this one's name)  is walking swiftly down the aisle dressed in white and holding a beautiful white bouquet.  My son is standing waiting for her.  He is almost unrecognisable.  he is wearing an upmarket suit is clean shaven and standing at attention (who IS that?)  the music continues and my day dream suddenly has small children running away. 

I am hoping scientists will invent a pill which will take our dreams (good ones that is) and turn them into reality.  Sadly I am closer to 60 this year than 50.  When I go on safari in South Africa in October I am sure I will remember my idle statement of years past.  Being a noteworthy tourist I could arrange for a signed document of the advantages of an Aussie Grandma to African babies/childre.
Somewhere in Perth a nice African family are awaiting a nice Aussie Grandma for their children.  I enjoy the zoo, Sci-tech, movies, McDonalds, wild animals such as koalas and kangaroos and clothes shopping!

Instead of e harmony I am thinking, a matching service;  FUN WITH FAMILY SENIORS.... how about it?

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Not always a choice

Some days are just ordinary days, nothing to report, but there are other days which change your path in life.  They are the days which keep you spinning until your feet are anchored again and the view ahead is clearer.  Today is like that for me.  Important life changing news coming my way soon.  The worst part is the waiting and not knowing.